Weekend Reading List
Round-up for March 4-5
New Bill Would Force NYPD to Disclose Surveillance Tech Playbook: Though not as pressing as other privacy disclosures, this is a timely local-level one that could predicate other states/cities following a similar line. What's notable here is that we are all essentially under a watchful eye from city security cameras, other citizen's cameras, and a myriad of tactics alluded to in the bill (including facial recognization). The New York Civil Liberties Union's statement on this being "critical to democracy" is rather obvious.
How to Keep Messages Secure: Friendly rundown of why teens (ahem, anyone) should avoid using popular chatting apps like Snapchat, et al, for serious communication or for chatting at all. Surprising editorial source, too.
Is There a Business Model For Serious Journalism in the Age of Trump?: Comprehensive analysis on the state of serious journalism.
Smart Condom to Track Your Sex: Here we go with another invasive Internet of Things product. At this point we're just turning ourselves into constantly-monitored subject matter for government, medicinal, and corporate overlords.
Government's Privacy Watchdog is Basically Dead, Emails Reveal: Should we have seen this one coming? "[T]he agency, known as the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, is down to just a single voting member — which means it has been stripped of nearly all its powers, according to emails obtained by The Intercept." Important to note: it appears that this didn't start with Trump, and it's been "been withering away for almost a year."
That Free Health Tracker Could Cost You: Handing out Fitbits is something my agency recently did, and I've seen a number of health insurance providers do the same thing -- not sure if all circumstances are leading to more risk pooling bullshit, but this is certainly where it starts.
Want to Improve Data Quality, Reduce Liability, and Gain Consumer Trust? Try Deleting: In its latest white paper, CDT "explores th[e] disconnect and the reasons why commercial data stores have grown. We make the case that it is neither in a company’s nor a customer’s best interest to hold onto large amounts of data." Deleting old, unusable, or irrelevant data is absolutely a consideration to make, especially if you don't plan to use it anymore.