Defiant Sloth

This retrospective on The Exorcist is marvelously done. Excellent headline typography and placement – half the fun was scrolling through the quotes from the attendees in 1970s.

The Slimmest Wallet Pursuit

πŸ•– Last updated: Dec 18, 2023

Back on my bullshit again.

I've been searching for, putting through the paces, and reviewing wallets for over a decade now. And I'm restless again, because someone must be improving the design to meet the holy grail of "nearly as small as the cards that go in it, with a smidgen of room for the occasional few bills".

There are many that come close.

But there are only a few that achieve it.


I'll skip the pontificating because no one has time β€” The following facets were primary considerations:

  • Material: Built with strength and longevity in mind. I prefer non-leather wallet materials, which ruled out brands like Bellroy and Saddleback
  • Size: The aspiration here is minimal footprint inside any carry pocket β€” wallet bulge is disgusting. Hence the wallet shouldn't exceed the dimensions of a card by much.
  • Functionality: When you get into this narrow arena, functionality becomes a consideration because these wallets are incredibly minimal, and some require pull-straps or other clever ways of extracting contents.

Top Three Wallet Recommendations

Here are the wallets you should be thinking about if you share a similar philosophy about the everyday carry essential:

Three wallets on a marble countertop, the left being the largest, black, with a card inside it, the second being a gray-patterned one with a loop attached to one side, and the third the smallest, with an elastic design From left: Re:Form RE:02, Tom Bihn Nik's Wallet, and Trove Swift
  • Re:Form Wallet. This one surprised me β€” so much so that it's what I'm currently using everyday. Sleek, functional, and well-made. It has magnets for a slick bifold enclosure, and they rule. One of the two tentpole versions has a coin/AirTag sleeve option. Very pocketable, very thin, waterproof, and fair capacity (up to eight cards) make this is a highly recommended, top-tier choice.
  • Tom Bihn Nik's Wallet: This has been a steady champion for years β€” a bifold miracle that's a pleasure to use. No degradation in the fabric or materials, including its enclosure strap, and it loads a handsome 5-10 cards, including several metal credit cards with the ability to stash cash all while conforming to a near-card-sized dimension. Incredible. Plus the fabric-feel of halcyon (or their ballistic nylon options) sings in the hand.
  • Trove Swift: I've gone back and forth with this wallet for a similar number of years, and it's a rugged champ. True, some of the options for it include leather, but I recommend going with the carbon fibre. It has three slots snug against an Italian elastic band, so this thing is literally the length of a credit card (the slimmest you will ever get). It also features a rad little pull strap that quickly extracts your cards from one of the slots. It's fast, it's barely visible in a pocket, and it lasts.
  • And that's it. Look no further than those three. I'm not making any affiliate fees off this, so it's my honest opinion. Take with it what you will.

    What did I miss?

    A few considerations that make the rounds or that I've personally tried in the past that just don't cut it:

    • Slimfold. A lot of folks like this one. I reviewed it years ago. It's okay. It's bigger than I'd like it to be, the materials are flimsy, and it doesn't feel confident in its design.
    • Super Wallet. Probably my first minimal wallet purchase yeeeeeeaaaaaars ago. It did not hold up well. It's all just fabric. They made a leather one but I don't know why. Meh.
    • Pioneer. I like these, but the material is super rigid, and their smallest form factor one (Molecule Cardholder) has too large a dimension. It holds up exceptionally well, though. Here's my review from a while ago. I'm also selling this one if you want it for a major discount.
    • Peak Design Mobile Wallet: Lastly, this. It offers something neat for those who care: it comes in a stand variant (small flap that flips open to provide a stand for your phone), or without. Either way, this one is different in that is also magnetizes to your iPhone with MagSafe. Whether you care for it or not, this is still actually a sleek, small wallet with an unique fold-top design that, upon opening, pulls up and outwards to reveal your stack of cards inside. It's less organizable, and the material is the lousiest, but it still hits the mark.

Thanks for reading. Goodbye.

I used to follow Aisle One for years, but at some point the RSS feed I had must’ve dropped off and I inadvertently forgot about it. But recently it cropped back up, and there’s a fantastic newsletter as part of the new approach to content. Highly recommended.

A short but note-worthy take on management and career-pathing that really resonates with what I’ve seen over the years:

Good management is a skill. There are too many accidental managers, promoted because they were good at what they did, rather than because they were suited to what lay ahead.

More career options in addition to management is critical.

Who isn’t loving the Midwestern autumnal vibe right now.

Yellow leaves scattered all over the ground in a dense mess

This worm celebration by Camryn Bynum was perfect last night.

Love this sketch card of a classic Tom Bihn Synik bag and the things you can pack into it. Comes slotted into one of the cardholders in their equally classic Nik’s Minimal Wallet. Both amazing products for everyday and traveling uses.

Two small cards, one prominently depicted a sketch of a backpack and multiple packing items around it

Mural at Groundswell.

Color block mural with a pipe horizontally across all of it.

Nice to see the dev behind Really Bad Chess returning to gaming with Puzzmo, which β€” I quote β€” brings us a “place for thoughtful puzzles”.

Also love their email tactic: they’ll “let you know about tomorrow’s key drop 5 minutes before we tell the rest of the internet”. Brilliant call to action.

Warehouse and fulfillment are a curious industry to shift into “gig work”, but that’s exactly what seems to be happening as labor needs continue to heat up. PepsiCo is an early adopter, though I’ll hold my breath on how well the more stringent and compliance-based workloads go with this approach.

Om sums up the soulless hell of social media quite nicely in this piece:

“In this reality, the primary task of these [social] platforms is not about idealism or even entertainment β€” it is about extracting as much revenue as possible from human vanity, avarice, and narcissism.

Films are longer. Blame blockbusters and prestige directors. Or maybe streaming competition. Who knows after reading this, but the data is surprising.

Graph showing movie length trend line (higher) for popular films since 1930 vs all films (lower)

The wonderful world of dive bar politics by way of the Men’s bathroom door β€” Anchor Bar, Superior WI.

Heavily graffitied wooden for with various patronizing notes against republicans and democrats.

Bayfield, WI from a perch on the Madeline Island ferry. Pleasant sojourn at the island for the weekend. Lots of grilled white fish accompanied by wine, Old Fashioneds, and beer.

Sunset with heavy clouds over Lake Superior water, with city of Bayfield, WI silhouetted in distance

You hit a certain age… and you start to think more about aging. So I’ve been savoring any article like this one from the Guardian.

Overall βž” good to know vocabulary peaks at 65, and happiness in our eighties.

Great find from Kottke (actually a repost from a decade ago) about the Japanese artist using Microsoft Excel to paint. It’s a rather fascinating methodology, and I love the maximization of a tool within its limits.

My first concert in several years was fantastic at the Turf Club. Saw Islands perform, alongside some human-looking puppet named Andy on stage. They played several tracks from the new album, but also broke out a few classics. We sat at the bar the whole time, which is the right vibe for this place.

Square composition of black and green tiles at the Turf Club, with logo in middle

The Economist has a fantastic focus in their latest Technology Quarterly about the pursuit of immortality.

In short, immortality is impossible, mostly due to physics and the human genome, but… extending life is very much a possibility and near-future reality.

What a way to open this article on the FTC suing Amazon.

Sea of Stars has been a really charming throwback to so many great SNES-era RPGS. Reminds me of the serious plot (but plenty of whimsy) that games like Chrono Trigger brought along, with touches of much-needed modernity of the UI and gameplay. It’s excellent.

Angled Nintendo Switch on tabletop with Sea of Stars playing on its screen.

A really neat app from the makers of Halide was released today called Orion. In a throwback homage to VHS design cues, this turns your iPad into a portable screen for cameras, video game consoles, and computers of any kind. Great idea, great execution. They even made a guide for adaptor devices.

While I rarely think about playgrounds (no kids here), from a zoning perspective and for children’s creative enjoyment, they are immensely valuable. This recent Axios article had me surfing through fond memories of running through the massive structures in Bloomington growing up.

I’m an idiot and have started curating a library of pull-tabs. If you’re into weird art, stupid gambling, dive bar culture, or all of the above, this is worth bookmarking.

close up of a stack of pull-tabs with all tabs pulled open revealing no winners inside, just lost hope

Maybe I’m old, maybe I don’t get the 5E rule set, but no dice roll for ability points in the character creation stage of Baldur’s Gate 3 is… a bit of a letdown. The game is incredibly polished, though, and this is no way a critique β€” just longing for the old days.

Freshly-roasted SK Coffee beans (Colombia Variedad F6), ready for a pour-over. β˜•οΈ

Stainless steel bin of whole coffee beans on a scale reading 35 grams of weight