A few weeks into using the new Reeder app. Still enjoying it. Some interim thoughts:

  • You have to set it up for success… but don’t over-engineer it: the core experience is reading your RSS feeds via a macro timeline, and that habit has to form
  • Folders are superb for dropping feeds that have been de-activated in Home for manual checks (like a traditional RSS reader paradigm) since there are some feeds that update way too frequently on a daily basis and jam up the main feed
  • Log in sparingly to other platforms (e.g., not logging into your Mastodon account; however, I’ve added some developer accounts to follow in Reeder vs on my own Mastodon account
  • Workflow is better than other RSS apps/previous Reeder incarnations for interacting with content — if you are reading a Mastodon post in Reeder, for instance, you can fast swipe into your app of choice to interact further with it. Same goes with Micro.blog, Glass, etc.
  • It’s great for glancing through favorite subreddits — even though it doesn’t pull in the full thread, you can manually follow various subreddits and drop them into a folder, and easily swipe to jump into the thread itself